So for Sunday which was Father's Day my dad went to the Rockie's game with my stepmom because they had plans to spend time with some of her friends afterwards up in Arvada. I was kind of hurt by this because I totally wanted to go to the Rockies game with my dad. It has been a long time since we've gone together and I always love spending time with him.
One of my favorite movies of all time is Field Of Dreams and every single time I watch it I cry at the end when Kevin Costner's character is playing catch with his dad. My parents got divorced when I was young (7) and I didn't get to see my dad as much as I wanted to and that is one of the things I missed the most. Just being able to go out in the front yard and play catch with my dad, I would've given anything to be able to have done that more. Now that I'm older I understand obviously why I didn't get to spend more time with my dad and I know that he did the best that he could with the divorce, we all did.
Tonight I'm going to the Rockies game with my dad and I'm going to treat him to all the food, beer and conversation that he can handle. I know that I didn't get to play catch with my dad as much as I wanted to when I was younger, I know that I didn't get to spend Father's day with him this year, but none of that is going to matter, because tonight I will be at the game with my dad and that's all that matters :-)