171 days

Yes, I know it's been almost a year since my last post, I'm gonna try to keep my blog updated going forward. so 2009 is coming to a close and it has been without a doubt the best year of my life!!! I married my best friend in September, we went to Ireland and London for our honeymoon and had a great time, I got a promotion at work and am finally happy again at work, and I got a Jeep Wrangler again in March!!
So, you're probably wondering what the 171 days means.....Well on May 16th, 2010 I will be running my 3rd full marathon, my 1st full marathon in Colorado, I will be participating in the Colorado Colfax Marathon!! So mark your calendars, and come on out and cheer me on May 16th, my goal will be to finish (obviously) and to complete the marathon in under 4 hours. I have started running again (albeit slowly) it feels good to get back into it. Training will officially begin in late December or the 1st week in January and I'll be back to running 4 days a week!! Keep checking back for updates on how the training is going!!